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Analogue Academy and Hue & Cry Gallery invite you to submit your photographic portraits for the innaugural Geelong Photographic Portrait Prize. With over $3000 in prizes available and an independant judging pannel this portrait prize seeks to set itself as one of the premier portrait prizes for photographers within the country. We invite both professional and emerging photographers to submit upto 10 portraits for consideration. 


Over $5500 in prizes including:

First Prize: $3000 Cash Prize (non-acquisitive). 

Analogue Academy Prize: $500 Dev & Scan package

Peoples Choice Prize: 3 week exhibition with Hue and Cry Gallery (Analogue Gallery) between 22/03/25 - 12/04/2025



Portraits will be assessed by one or more of the following criteria:

  • Evidence of exceptional technical skill.

  • Aesthetically outstanding.

  • Clear, concise concept.

  • Innovative approach to your chosen medium.

The decision of the judges is final.



Judges to be anounced soon

Important Dates

Entries Open:  -  23/01/2024 

Entries Close:  -  EXTENDED - 23:59 02/03/2024

Entries to be delivered from:  -   28/02/2024

last day to deliver entries:  -  30/03/2024

Celebration event:  -  06/04/2024 7-9pm

Exhibition runs from:  -   06/04 - 27/04

Terms & Conditions


Over $3000 in prizes including:

First Prize: $3000 Cash Prize (non-acquisitive). 

Analogue Academy Prize: $500 Dev & Scan package

Peoples Choice Prize: 3 week exhibition with Hue and Cry Gallery (Analogue Gallery) between 22/03/25 - 12/04/2025

Artworks will be assessed by one or more of the following criteria:

Evidence of exceptional technical skill.

Aesthetically outstanding.

Clear, concise concept.

Innovative approach to your chosen medium.

The decision of the judges is final.


Hue & Cry Gallery

64-66 Ryrie St, Wathaurong Country, Geelong VIC 3220.


All artworks must measure 61x81cm or less, INCLUSIVE OF frames/display apparatus.

All artworks must be 2-Dimensional. 

All entries will be exhibited during the Geelong Photographic Portrait Prize exhibition 6–27 April 2024.

Entries from all levels of experience welcome. 

Maximum of ten artworks per entrant. 

The artwork statements are to be used for judging contention only, and will not be displayed in the exhibition.

It is the artists responsibility to ensure their artwork does not infringe on copyright.

Gallery commission on all artwork sales of 30% apply. This includes GST.

While all care is taken to ensure safety of artwork, in line with best industry practice, the gallery takes no responsibility for damaged artwork. Artists are encouraged to insure their work if they are concerned.

Only Australian citizens and residents are eligible to apply.

Artists must be aged 16 years and older. 

The decision of the judges is final.

Copyright or licensing of each artwork must belong to the artist. 

Analogue Academy / Hue & Cry will not accept content that is inflammatory, defamatory or racist to any person or group of people. 

Entry fees are non-refundable. 

Analogue Academy / Hue & Cry reserves the right to cancel any entries or not display work that is in breach of any of the Terms and Conditions. 



To enter you must fill out our Entry Form

$35 per artwork (Max 10 works accepted per entrant).

All entries exhibited from 6–27 April 2024.

Entry fees are non-refundable.



Delivering in person: Artwork must be delivered Wednesday  28 February and Saturday 30 March 2024, between 11am–4pm only. 

Delivering by post/courier: 16-30 March 2024.

Due to storage requirements, artwork will not be received via in person drop off before 28 February.

If artwork is not delivered by these dates, it will not be included in the exhibition and fees will not be refunded.

Delivery costs are at the expense of the artist. 

All artwork must arrive at the gallery ready to hang.

Packaging will not be stored by the gallery for artists dropping off works in person. Artists are responsible for bringing the appropriate packaging for transport of works upon collection.



All artworks measure 61x81cm or less, INCLUDING frames/display apparatus. 

If measuring over 61x81cm AFTER FRAMING it will be ineligible for inclusion. 


All framed prints must be wired (picture hanging wire) or have d-rings attached for hanging.


All unframed works will be pinned through unless alternative tabs supplied in advance. If you would prefer your work be pinned through tabs, the artist is responsible for providing and preparing works for such installation before drop off. 

If magnets are required they must be supplied by the artist.

If your work does not have a sufficient hanging mechanism on the back that will hold the work up for the duration of the exhibition the work will not be hung and you will not be refunded your entry fee.

Works on canvas will be hung via their stretcher frames where appropriate.

The artist's name AND title of the work MUST be written or labelled on the back of the work itself for clear identification. Unlabelled works may not be exhibited at discretion of gallery management, and in these cases the exhibition fee will not be refunded.

Artists can enter multiple works (such as a diptych or triptych) as a single work only if they are approved by Prize staff and must adhere to the following:

All components/artworks, when installed together as a whole, measure under 61x81cm. Any works that measure over this will be treated as multiple works. 

All components/artworks must be listed as a single price and will not be sold separately. 

All components/artworks must be listed as a single work (with a single title) and will not be labelled separately. 

In the event they do not meet these requirements the components must be entered as separate works with an artwork fee for each.



Artist/courier collection in person: Unsold works MUST be collected from Analgoue Academy / Hue & Cry between 11am-4pm between Wednesday 01st of May and Saturday 04th of May Work not collected by this date will be charged a $25 late fee.

Works not collected by 01 June 2024 will be disposed of.

A proxy may be nominated by the artist to collect on their behalf. Proxy’s names must be emailed to the Prize team and their matching ID must be shown to collect the artwork.

Packaging will not be stored by the gallery for artists dropping off works in person. Artists are responsible for bringing the appropriate packaging for transport of works upon collection. 

Interstate and remote artists: Unsold works can be posted back to artists via courier. This is the ONLY option for postal return of works. Do not send stamps or pre-paid labels/packaging with your artwork as they will not be used.

It is the artist's responsibility to contact the gallery prior to the exhibition closing date to request this service and confirm their address by Saturday 27 April 2024. Only clearly labelled packaging, appropriate for re-use, will be stored by Analgoue Academy / Hue & Cry to return via courier works in. Analgoue Academy / Hue & Cry will endeavour to reuse packaging wherever appropriate.


Courier returns process: 

Courier return must be requested by Saturday 27 April 2024. 

Once the artwork is packaged at the conclusion of exhibition, Analgoue Academy / Hue & Cry will obtain a quote for courier deliver back to the artist. 

Return of works via courier is at the artist's expense. 

Upon payment of our return invoice, Analgoue Academy / Hue & Cry will arrange for a courier to deliver the works back to the artist. If the artist wishes to make their own in person or proxy collections arrangements, they must inform the gallery before exhibition's end so it can be made ready for collection on the appropriate day.

Due to the volume of works, those returned by courier may take up to 30 days to be delivered.

If no request is made by the artist for courier return, artworks will be treated as uncollected and disposed of on the aforementioned date. You must notify Analogue Academy / Hue & Cry of your courier return details by Saturday 27 April: entering your address on your application form does not count as requesting courier return. 

To request for a courier return, please fill out this form. 


Sale of artworks:

30% commission on artwork sales applies. This includes GST where applicable.

In the event of a sale, the bank details supplied on your entry form will be used for payment of sales.

It is the artist’s responsibility to ensure bank details are correct at time of entry.

Artist Settlements are prepared and finalised up to 30 days after exhibition’s end.

No online catalogue will be available for prints in the Geelong Photographic Portrait Prize.



While we take the utmost care of artwork, following industry best practice, Analgoue Academy / Hue & Cry takes no responsibility for theft, loss or damage of artwork. It is advised that concerned artists purchase their own insurance.

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